Interviews by REGION: RAKIURA/STEWART ISLAND (to be released)

Interviews with participants from the RAKIURA/STEWART ISLAND region, extending from the Bishops/Smoky Beach southeast to Saddle Point, Port William, Halfmoon Bay/Oban and Paterson Inlet/Whaka a Te Wara, south to Port Adventure, southwest to Lords River/Tutaekawetoweto, Port Pegasus/Pikihatiti and South Cape, and north to Easy Harbour, Doughboy Bay, Mason Bay, Codfish Island/Ruggedies.

Click on icons below for a Google Map or Marine Chart (sourced from the LINZ Data Service)

Click for a Google Map (small file)

Click for a Google Map (small file)

Click for a Marine Chart (large file)

Click for a Marine Chart (large file)

Matt Atkins

Matt Atkins

Peter Bain

Peter Bain

Joe Cave

Joe Cave

Tim Dawson

Tim Dawson

Brett Hamilton

Brett Hamilton

Colin Hopkins

Colin Hopkins

Ty Jenkinson

Ty Jenkinson

Gordon Leask

Gordon Leask

Ken McAnergney

Ken McAnergney

Olaf Nilsen

Olaf Nilsen

Greg Northe

Greg Northe

Anthony O’Rourke

Anthony O’Rourke

Phillip Smith

Phillip Smith

Zane Smith

Zane Smith

Richard Squires

Richard Squires

Peter Tait

Peter Tait

Arthur White

Arthur White
